Ports that are blocked by browsers

fievelk · March 20, 2023

Today I was experimenting with a small project using Docker and Flask. I just created two identical services and exposed them on two different ports: nothing fancy. However, to my surprise, only one of the two seemed to be working.

The first service was hosted on port 8000. As expected, I could visit localhost:8000 and find the rendered HTML code that I had written. However, the second service hosted on port 6000 wasn’t giving me the same outcome. Instead of showing the HTML code I had prepared, my browser (Chrome) returned this error:

This site can’t be reached

The web page at http://localhost:6000/ might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.


Being curious, I tried to reproduce the issue without Docker, just with the bare minimum setup. I created two webservers using Python’s http.server:

$ python -m http.server 8000
$ python -m http.server 6000

The two commands serve an HTTP server on port 8000 and 6000 respectively. And there it is again: while the first webserver works flawlessly, trying to reach the one on port 6000 returns the error described above. So what’s the problem?

Cross-protocol scripting

Turns out that some ports are explicitly blocked by browsers. This is done in response to the so-called Cross-protocol scripting vulnerability (VU#476267). Through this vulnerability, an attacker could forge malicious HTML code to send data to other services used by the victim (for example crafting spam emails, or printing through a network printer). IMAP, SMTP, NNTP and POP3 are just a small portion of the affected services.

Mozilla and other browser vendors fixed this vulnerability by explicitly banning ports that belong to the vulnerable services. This way, when the malicious HTML code tries to send its data, it will basically receive the same error that I received above.

What I find confusing is that each browser seems to show (or not show) a different message for the same situation. As we saw above, Chrome shows the ERR_UNSAFE_PORT message. Safari seems to just shrug its shoulders and return a completely blank page. Firefox, instead, shows the most informative message:

This address is restricted

This address uses a network port which is normally used for purposes other than Web browsing. Firefox has canceled the request for your protection.

The wording in Firefox’s message allows us to understand one more thing: the request we’re sending to port 6000 never reaches the webserver, because it’s being immediately canceled by the browser. We can double-check this by having a look at the server logs, that will not show any request for that address. At this point it’s clear that we don’t even need to spawn a webserver at all to see this behaviour in place! If we just head to http://localhost:6000 when all of our webservers are shut down, we will receive the same error. The browser doesn’t care about the server: it just stops the request before it’s sent.

Testing without browser

If you want to prove that this restriction is actually implemented directly at the browser level, you can bypass the browser checks and request the same URL using cURL from terminal:

$ curl http://localhost:6000/
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Directory listing for /</title>
<h1>Directory listing for /</h1>
<li><a href="some_file.txt">some_file.txt</a></li>

As you can see, this request doesn’t get blocked and it correctly shows the output produced by the Python webserver.

List of blocked ports

For curious people, this is the list of the ports blocked by Firefox together with their respective services:

Port Service
1 tcpmux
7 echo
9 discard
11 systat
13 daytime
15 netstat
17 qotd
19 chargen
20 ftp data
21 ftp control
22 ssh
23 telnet
25 smtp
37 time
42 name
43 nicname
53 domain
77 priv-rjs
79 finger
87 ttylink
95 supdup
101 hostriame
102 iso-tsap
103 gppitnp
104 acr-nema
109 POP2
110 POP3
111 sunrpc
113 auth
115 sftp
117 uucp-path
119 NNTP
123 NTP
135 loc-srv / epmap
139 netbios
143 IMAP2
179 BGP
389 LDAP
512 print / exec
513 login
514 shell
515 printer
526 tempo
530 courier
531 chat
532 netnews
540 uucp
556 remotefs
587 submission
601 syslog
995 POP3+SSL
2049 nfs
4045 lockd
6000 X11


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