How To access phpMyAdmin page
May 25, 2013
Here's the case: you installed Xampp (or Lampp, as it was called until some months ago), you made it run, but now you can't access your phpMyAdmin page.
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A (not so) tedious blog about informatics.
May 25, 2013
May 20, 2013
Context: I bought a new laptop a few weeks ago, a brand new Dell Inspiron 15r 5521, and I immediately installed Ubuntu on it (since I don’t like Windows 8 and I recently have more fun with Linux-like systems).
May 10, 2013
Hi everyone :) Not so much about presentations: I’m just someone who spends his not-so-precious hours trying to configure some softwares, packages, drivers and other things that you could imagine to be linked with computers and informatics.