How To Find out Sublime Text Key Binding Commands

I just happened to download an awesome package for Sublime Text. Unluckily, this package uses a keyboard shortcut that overwrites a default binding I really need (the CTRL + Enter command that adds a line below the current line). I therefore want to restore the normal ST behaviour and, in order to do that, I need to figure out which command was originally called when using that shortcut.

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Model-Driven approach vs hardcore coding

Model-driven architecture (MDA) essentially represents a different approach to programming and software development, intended to provide an abstract structure in the realization of those tasks that are usually accomplished by (more or less hardcore) manual coding. Ideally, a model driven approach is supposed to provide an easy-to-follow guideline which can improve code reusability while shortening development times. But can it really be thought as a real substitute for old-style coding? I don’t think so, yet I think that MDA approach can anyway represent a precious ally for programmers.

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How To show Eclipse menu in Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander

The almost new Eclipse Kepler IDE has been released with a new exciting bug for those who use Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander). If you're among those lucky developers, when you'll open your IDE you'll find that Eclipse upper menu is pretty useless, since clicking on menu entries nothing will happen: no submenus will show up as you expected. So, what to do if Eclipse menu doesn't show up in Ubuntu 13.10? The best solution at the moment (until someone decides to fix this bug) is the following.
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How To create a global InitBinder in Spring with @ControllerAdvice

Date formatting could be an annoying problem when dealing with your views. I wrote an article about it when I was facing Json problems (see How To format dates in Json within Spring 3) but, as you may know, even if you don't need to use Json in your views, you'll probably have to face some troubles with date formats. Sometimes you can avoid all your problems simply using the specific JSTL fmt in your jsp (see references). But what to do if you can't use JSTL in your jsp, or if a simple JSTL won't solve your problems?
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